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  Eupithecia denotata (Campanula Pug)    Photo © Barry Henwood

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70.003 Bright Wave
(Idaea ochrata)
70.004 Least Carpet
(Idaea rusticata)
70.006 Dwarf Cream Wave
(Idaea fuscovenosa)
70.008 Small Dusty Wave
(Idaea seriata)
70.009 Satin Wave
(Idaea subsericeata)
70.010 Dotted Border Wave
(Idaea sylvestraria)
70.011 Single-dotted Wave
(Idaea dimidiata)
70.012 Treble Brown Spot
(Idaea trigeminata)
70.013 Small Fan-footed Wave
(Idaea biselata)
70.015 Small Scallop
(Idaea emarginata)
70.016 Riband Wave
(Idaea aversata)
70.017 Portland Ribbon Wave
(Idaea degeneraria)
70.018 Plain Wave
(Idaea straminata)
70.021 Lace Border
(Scopula ornata)
70.022 Tawny Wave
(Scopula rubiginata)
70.023 Mullein Wave
(Scopula marginepunctata)
70.024 Small Blood-vein
(Scopula imitaria)
70.025 Lesser Cream Wave
(Scopula immutata)
70.026 Smoky Wave
(Scopula ternata)
70.027 Cream Wave
(Scopula floslactata)
70.028 Rosy Wave
(Scopula emutaria)
70.029 Blood-vein
(Timandra comae)
70.030 Dingy Mocha
(Cyclophora pendularia)
70.031 Mocha
(Cyclophora annularia)
70.032 Birch Mocha
(Cyclophora albipunctata)
70.033 Blair's Mocha
(Cyclophora puppillaria)
70.034 Jersey Mocha
(Cyclophora ruficiliaria)
70.035 False Mocha
(Cyclophora porata)
70.036 Maiden's Blush
(Cyclophora punctaria)
70.037 Clay Triple-lines
(Cyclophora linearia)
70.038 Vestal
(Rhodometra sacraria)
70.039 Oblique Striped
(Phibalapteryx virgata)
70.040 Lead Belle
(Scotopteryx mucronata)
70.041 July Belle
(Scotopteryx luridata)
70.042 Spanish Carpet
(Scotopteryx peribolata)
70.043 Chalk Carpet
(Scotopteryx bipunctaria)
70.045 Shaded Broad-bar
(Scotopteryx chenopodiata)
70.046 Oblique Carpet
(Orthonama vittata)
70.047 Gem
(Nycterosea obstipata)
70.049 Garden Carpet
(Xanthorhoe fluctuata)
70.051 Red Twin-spot Carpet
(Xanthorhoe spadicearia)
70.051x Twin-spot Carpet agg.
(Xanthorhoe spadicearia/ferrugata)
70.052 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet
(Xanthorhoe ferrugata)
70.053 Flame Carpet
(Xanthorhoe designata)
70.054 Silver-ground Carpet
(Xanthorhoe montanata)
70.056 Royal Mantle
(Catarhoe cuculata)
70.057 Ruddy Carpet
(Catarhoe rubidata)
70.058 Many-lined
(Costaconvexa polygrammata)
70.059 Yellow Shell
(Camptogramma bilineata)
70.060 Small Argent and Sable
(Epirrhoe tristata)
70.061 Common Carpet
(Epirrhoe alternata)
70.062 Wood Carpet
(Epirrhoe rivata)
70.063 Galium Carpet
(Epirrhoe galiata)
70.064 Cloaked Carpet
(Euphyia biangulata)
70.065 Sharp-angled Carpet
(Euphyia unangulata)
70.066 Shoulder Stripe
(Earophila badiata)
70.067 Streamer
(Anticlea derivata)
70.068 Beautiful Carpet
(Mesoleuca albicillata)
70.069 Dark Spinach
(Pelurga comitata)
70.070 Mallow
(Larentia clavaria)
70.074 July Highflyer
(Hydriomena furcata)
70.075 May Highflyer
(Hydriomena impluviata)
70.076 Ruddy Highflyer
(Hydriomena ruberata)
70.077 Pine Carpet
(Pennithera firmata)
70.079 Spruce Carpet
(Thera britannica)
70.081 Grey Pine Carpet
(Thera obeliscata)
70.083 Cypress Carpet
(Thera cupressata)
70.084 Blue-bordered Carpet
(Plemyria rubiginata)
70.085 Barred Yellow
(Cidaria fulvata)
70.086 Broken-barred Carpet
(Electrophaes corylata)
70.087 Purple Bar
(Cosmorhoe ocellata)
70.089 Phoenix
(Eulithis prunata)
70.090 Chevron
(Eulithis testata)
70.091 Northern Spinach
(Eulithis populata)
70.092 Spinach
(Eulithis mellinata)
70.093 Barred Straw
(Gandaritis pyraliata)
70.094 Small Phoenix
(Ecliptopera silaceata)
70.095 Red-green Carpet
(Chloroclysta siterata)
70.096 Autumn Green Carpet
(Chloroclysta miata)
70.097 Common Marbled Carpet
(Dysstroma truncata)
70.098 Dark Marbled Carpet
(Dysstroma citrata)
70.099 Beech-green Carpet
(Colostygia olivata)
70.100 Green Carpet
(Colostygia pectinataria)
70.101 Mottled Grey
(Colostygia multistrigaria)
70.102 Striped Twin-spot Carpet
(Coenotephria salicata)
70.103 Water Carpet
(Lampropteryx suffumata)
70.104 Devon Carpet
(Lampropteryx otregiata)
70.105 Northern Winter Moth
(Operophtera fagata)
70.106 Winter Moth
(Operophtera brumata)
70.107 November Moth
(Epirrita dilutata)
70.107x November Moth agg.
(Epirrita dilutata agg.)
70.108 Pale November Moth
(Epirrita christyi)
70.109 Autumnal Moth
(Epirrita autumnata)
70.111 Small White Wave
(Asthena albulata)
70.112 Dingy Shell
(Euchoeca nebulata)
70.113 Waved Carpet
(Hydrelia sylvata)
70.114 Small Yellow Wave
(Hydrelia flammeolaria)
70.115 Welsh Wave
(Venusia cambrica)
70.116 Blomer's Rivulet
(Venusia blomeri)
70.120 Argent & Sable
(Rheumaptera hastata)
70.121 Scallop Shell
(Rheumaptera undulata)
70.122 Scarce Tissue
(Rheumaptera cervinalis)
70.123 Tissue
(Triphosa dubitata)
70.124 Barberry Carpet
(Pareulype berberata)
70.126 Small Waved Umber
(Horisme vitalbata)
70.127 Fern
(Horisme tersata)
70.128 Pretty Chalk Carpet
(Melanthia procellata)
70.130 Chimney Sweeper
(Odezia atrata)
70.131 Twin-spot Carpet
(Mesotype didymata)
70.132 Rivulet
(Perizoma affinitata)
70.133 Small Rivulet
(Perizoma alchemillata)
70.134 Barred Rivulet
(Perizoma bifaciata)
70.137 Grass Rivulet
(Perizoma albulata)
70.138 Sandy Carpet
(Perizoma flavofasciata)
70.139 Barred Carpet
(Martania taeniata)
70.141 Double-striped Pug
(Gymnoscelis rufifasciata)
70.142 V-Pug
(Chloroclystis v-ata)
70.143 Sloe Pug
(Pasiphila chloerata)
70.144 Green Pug
(Pasiphila rectangulata)
70.145 Bilberry Pug
(Pasiphila debiliata)
70.146 Haworth's Pug
(Eupithecia haworthiata)
70.147 Slender Pug
(Eupithecia tenuiata)
70.148 Maple Pug
(Eupithecia inturbata)
70.149 Cloaked Pug
(Eupithecia abietaria)
70.150 Toadflax Pug
(Eupithecia linariata)
70.151 Foxglove Pug
(Eupithecia pulchellata)
70.152 Channel Islands Pug
(Eupithecia ultimaria)
70.153 Lead-coloured Pug
(Eupithecia plumbeolata)
70.155 Netted Pug
(Eupithecia venosata)
70.156 Brindled Pug
(Eupithecia abbreviata)
70.157 Oak-tree Pug
(Eupithecia dodoneata)
70.158 Juniper Pug
(Eupithecia pusillata)
70.159 Cypress Pug
(Eupithecia phoeniceata)
70.160 White-spotted Pug
(Eupithecia tripunctaria)
70.161 Golden-rod Pug
(Eupithecia virgaureata)
70.162 Dwarf Pug
(Eupithecia tantillaria)
70.163 Larch Pug
(Eupithecia lariciata)
70.164 Pauper Pug / Fletcher's Pug
(Eupithecia egenaria)
70.165 Pimpinel Pug
(Eupithecia pimpinellata)
70.166 Plain Pug
(Eupithecia simpliciata)
70.168 Narrow-winged Pug
(Eupithecia nanata)
70.169 Angle-barred Pug
(Eupithecia innotata)
70.170 Marbled Pug
(Eupithecia irriguata)
70.171 Ochreous Pug
(Eupithecia indigata)
70.172 Thyme Pug
(Eupithecia distinctaria)
70.173 Lime-speck Pug
(Eupithecia centaureata)
70.175 Triple-spotted Pug
(Eupithecia trisignaria)
70.176 Freyer's Pug
(Eupithecia intricata)
70.177 Satyr Pug
(Eupithecia satyrata)
70.179 Wormwood Pug
(Eupithecia absinthiata)
70.180 Bleached Pug
(Eupithecia expallidata)
70.181 Valerian Pug
(Eupithecia valerianata)
70.182 Currant Pug
(Eupithecia assimilata)
70.183 Common Pug
(Eupithecia vulgata)
70.184 Mottled Pug
(Eupithecia exiguata)
70.185 Campanula Pug
(Eupithecia denotata)
70.187 Tawny Speckled Pug
(Eupithecia icterata)
70.188 Bordered Pug
(Eupithecia succenturiata)
70.189 Shaded Pug
(Eupithecia subumbrata)
70.190 Grey Pug
(Eupithecia subfuscata)
70.192 Treble-bar
(Aplocera plagiata)
70.193 Lesser Treble-bar
(Aplocera efformata)
70.195 Streak
(Chesias legatella)
70.196 Broom-tip
(Chesias rufata)
70.198 Seraphim
(Lobophora halterata)
70.199 Small Seraphim
(Pterapherapteryx sexalata)
70.200 Yellow-barred Brindle
(Acasis viretata)
70.202 Early Tooth-striped
(Trichopteryx carpinata)
70.203 Orange Underwing
(Archiearis parthenias)
70.205 Magpie Moth
(Abraxas grossulariata)
70.206 Clouded Magpie
(Abraxas sylvata)
70.207 Clouded Border
(Lomaspilis marginata)
70.208 Scorched Carpet
(Ligdia adustata)
70.209 Ringed Border
(Stegania cararia)
70.211 Peacock Moth
(Macaria notata)
70.212 Sharp-angled Peacock
(Macaria alternata)
70.214 Tawny-barred Angle
(Macaria liturata)
70.215 V-Moth
(Macaria wauaria)
70.217 Rannoch Looper
(Macaria brunneata)
70.218 Latticed Heath
(Chiasmia clathrata)
70.221 Little Thorn
(Cepphis advenaria)
70.222 Brown Silver-line
(Petrophora chlorosata)
70.223 Barred Umber
(Plagodis pulveraria)
70.224 Scorched Wing
(Plagodis dolabraria)
70.225 Horse Chestnut
(Pachycnemia hippocastanaria)
70.226 Brimstone Moth
(Opisthograptis luteolata)
70.227 Bordered Beauty
(Epione repandaria)
70.229 Speckled Yellow
(Pseudopanthera macularia)
70.230 Orange Moth
(Angerona prunaria)
70.231 Lilac Beauty
(Apeira syringaria)
70.233 August Thorn
(Ennomos quercinaria)
70.234 Canary-shouldered Thorn
(Ennomos alniaria)
70.235 Dusky Thorn
(Ennomos fuscantaria)
70.236 September Thorn
(Ennomos erosaria)
70.237 Early Thorn
(Selenia dentaria)
70.238 Lunar Thorn
(Selenia lunularia)
70.239 Purple Thorn
(Selenia tetralunaria)
70.240 Scalloped Hazel
(Odontopera bidentata)
70.241 Scalloped Oak
(Crocallis elinguaria)
70.242 Dusky Scalloped Oak
(Crocallis dardoinaria)
70.243 Swallow-tailed Moth
(Ourapteryx sambucaria)
70.244 Feathered Thorn
(Colotois pennaria)
70.245 March Moth
(Alsophila aescularia)
70.246 Small Brindled Beauty
(Apocheima hispidaria)
70.247 Pale Brindled Beauty
(Phigalia pilosaria)
70.248 Brindled Beauty
(Lycia hirtaria)
70.251 Oak Beauty
(Biston strataria)
70.252 Peppered Moth
(Biston betularia)
70.253 Spring Usher
(Agriopis leucophaearia)
70.254 Scarce Umber
(Agriopis aurantiaria)
70.255 Dotted Border
(Agriopis marginaria)
70.256 Mottled Umber
(Erannis defoliaria)
70.257 Waved Umber
(Menophra abruptaria)
70.258 Willow Beauty
(Peribatodes rhomboidaria)
70.264 Satin Beauty
(Deileptenia ribeata)
70.265 Mottled Beauty
(Alcis repandata)
70.266 Dotted Carpet
(Alcis jubata)
70.267 Great Oak Beauty
(Hypomecis roboraria)
70.270 Engrailed
(Ectropis crepuscularia)
70.272 Square Spot
(Paradarisa consonaria)
70.273 Brindled White-spot
(Parectropis similaria)
70.274 Grey Birch
(Aethalura punctulata)
70.275 Common Heath
(Ematurga atomaria)
70.276 Bordered White
(Bupalus piniaria)
70.277 Common White Wave
(Cabera pusaria)
70.278 Common Wave
(Cabera exanthemata)
70.279 White-pinion Spotted
(Lomographa bimaculata)
70.280 Clouded Silver
(Lomographa temerata)
70.282 Early Moth
(Theria primaria)
70.283 Light Emerald
(Campaea margaritaria)
70.284 Barred Red
(Hylaea fasciaria)
70.2841 Banded Pine Carpet
(Pungeleria capreolaria)
70.287 Annulet
(Charissa obscurata)
70.288 Brussels Lace
(Cleorodes lichenaria)
70.292 Grey Scalloped Bar
(Dyscia fagaria)
70.294 Yellow Belle
(Aspitates ochrearia)
70.295 Grass Wave
(Perconia strigillaria)
70.296 Rest Harrow
(Aplasta ononaria)
70.297 Grass Emerald
(Pseudoterpna pruinata)
70.299 Large Emerald
(Geometra papilionaria)
70.300 Blotched Emerald
(Comibaena bajularia)
70.302 Small Emerald
(Hemistola chrysoprasaria)
70.303 Little Emerald
(Jodis lactearia)
70.305 Common Emerald
(Hemithea aestivaria)
70.306 Small Grass Emerald
(Chlorissa viridata)

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